
more coming soon...

The company's diverse team is spread across Thailand, Singapore, Canada and Australia, with its headquarters in Bangkok. As of October 2023 we have 2 Scrypto programmers, 3 front end UI/UX, 2 designers, 2 back-end programmers + ChatGPT 😁

Founders History

Meet Oliver Scott Simons (aka Tronn) and Chris Colman, the founders of the DeFi (Decentralised Finance) ecosystem CaviarNine. Their mission is to provide users with seamless access to professional-grade innovative DeFi products and unlock the full potential of DeFi.

Oliver holds a degree and Masters in Mathematics from Imperial College London and has had a successful 14-year career in top Tier 1 banks, trading and running derivatives and exotic derivatives trading desks. His passion for innovation, optimal hedging strategies and electronic systems led him to build a private algorithmic trading business with Chris, called Invariance.

In 2015, frustrated with the lack of innovation and restrictions on personal trading in the banking industry, Oliver left to pursue his passion for building things and innovating finance and tech. He spent the following years studying and consulting for banks, eventually building a small financial services startup that still runs today.

Chris, on the other hand, spent nearly 8 years at Cambridge University, where he did a degree in Physics and Theoretical Physics, followed by a graduate course in Computer Science and then a PhD in Physics. He started his career trading currency derivatives and eventually moved to Singapore, where he ran several global trading businesses for Barclays Investment Bank as a Managing Director.

Although banking was financially very rewarding, Chris missed the earlier days in his career when he was building trading models and actively trading and craved doing something entrepreneurial.

He subsequently left banking a couple of years after Oliver and followed a similar path of taking courses in Deep Learning, building quantitative trading models, and trading cryptocurrency. From 2019, Chris has been involved in a boutique asset management firm that he and a few former colleagues set up in Singapore - Vantage Point Asset Management.

The founders first worked together in 2005, and after spending many years working in top tier financial institutions, they realised they made a good team. Their passions for finance and technology led them to build their DeFi startup. For Oliver and Chris, DeFi is an inevitability that will eventually reach everyone, just like the internet now plays a huge role in all our lives wherever we live.

They strongly believe that DeFi is the natural next step for finance, and for individuals to get involved in. Traditional financial products are often opaque or not accessible to the masses, and Web3 has the potential to democratise these products.

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